Saturday, March 16, 2019

When Life Throws You a Curve Ball...

     I was talking to my dad about my story and he had brought up a very thoughtful insight to the story; How does someone react in response to life throwing them a curve ball. This phrase ultimately means that someone is faced with an unexpected disturbance or challenge. This concept can be used across many scenarios of life and for all people. In the case of my film opening, this concept is both metaphorical and literal. 

The main character's best friend is the one who is up to bat while he is on second behind the pitcher, obstructing his view...The symbol used by baseball players for a curveball is two fingers, similar to this: 

Image result for what is the sign for a curveball
I plan to have a shot or two incorporating this symbol to hint towards this theme in the story of the film...The pitcher wants to throw a curve ball and the main character, standing behind the pitcher does not see the sign, where the batter hits the ball beaming straight for the main character just in view of the batter. The main character and his best friend who accidentally hits him with the baseball must overcome unexpected challenges from this figurative and literal curveball. 

(I am still trying to work out a good day to film between all of my actors. Tonight, I am going to be an extra in my friend's film opening, and hopefully, I will also use him as an extra in mine. )

Curveball Symbol Photo: cfarnsworth2015, ~. “Two Fingers Is the Sign for a Curveball...” (Wvncc) Academic Support Center, 21 Sept. 2016,

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This may be the last time that I write on here, but it has been a long journey and I am more than excited to have completed it. I hope you h...