Sunday, March 17, 2019

Movie Title, Filming Date, and More

So, this upcoming week I am planning on finally filming. Tentitevilly I will be filming on Thursday (In 4 Days!) I'm very excited and a little nervous. Tomorrow I am gathering together all of my props, and organizing them and starting to set them up. After juggling through my friends' schedules, we are hopefully filming Thursday.  As of now after the main character, I have 3 for sure extras and HOPEFULLY a few more.
The theme of "Life throwing you a curveball" has really resonated with me over the past day, and I just think that the name "Curveball" is a fitting title for my film. While filming I plan to incorporate bright lighting hopefully if the weather permits. This should keep a lighter mood at the beginning of this scene and will only get slightly darker after the main character is struck with the baseball. I am still also slowly searching for ambient music to match the tone I am looking for.
Thursday this week is an early release day from school so I will have even more time to shoot during the day, and there is no school the following Friday, so if I need that will be my back-up filming day.

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This may be the last time that I write on here, but it has been a long journey and I am more than excited to have completed it. I hope you h...