Sunday, April 7, 2019


This may be the last time that I write on here, but it has been a long journey and I am more than excited to have completed it. I hope you have enjoyed reading my blog and enjoyed my film opening. Below is my Creative Critical Reflection for my film opening Now you will finally get to hear what my voice sounds like... I'm not used to being in front of the camera. If I am no longer on this blog; so long!

At Last!

Here It Is!!!
My Film opening is completed and uploaded to YouTube, you can access it at the link below. 
I hope you enjoy it!

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Editing Pt.3

I have finally finished editing! We finally made it and I will be uploading it to here in the next few days. I had to make a few last minute changes, such as making the color of the font for the title of the movie the same color as the clay on the baseball field. I also had to re-record a few shots to get proper the sound effects which ultimately came out great. 

It was just as easy as replacing the old clips with the new ones. I also added a rising tension sound effect, leading up to when the bat meets the baseball, symbolizing a drastic moment; when the ball symbolically stikes Neil and injuring him. 


This may be the last time that I write on here, but it has been a long journey and I am more than excited to have completed it. I hope you h...