Sunday, February 24, 2019

Aspects to Include

     Although the entire story has not crossed my mind yet, I do want to create a more serious drama that can be enjoyed especially by a younger adult audience. Some of my favorite films of all time take a thoughtful theme that all people experience in life and focus the film’s plot on that theme. The film “The Terminal” Starring Tom Hanks focuses on the theme of overcoming large obstacles and adapting to new situations. He is stuck and not allowed to leave JFK Airport in New York after his country started a war while he was in the air. He learns to be grateful for what he has and quickly learns to adapt to make it by. Within my film and film opening, I want to focus on a similar theme to this, as really anybody is able to relate to a broad theme of overcoming a large obstacle in your path.

     My main character and most of the characters will be teenagers who are very close to each other and great friends. The story mainly focuses on one of the boys who, at the beginning through character development (which I will delve into later), creates a fast relationship with viewers as being a nice, sweet, neat, and caring young boy who only aspires for great things. I love the film “The Sandlot”, I grew up watching that probably dozens of times a year and I always aspired to have or create a friendship that they children had, or also in the film “The Goonies”. The main character in the film is an avid baseball fan and close with his mother and father much like myself. I really want the viewers to establish a relationship and connection with the main character.

     My overall planning schedule for this project over the next six or so weeks is to first establish a script, actors and chose all my equipment. Next, I will create a storyboard, and gather props and scout locations. Following that, roughly two weeks from now I will hopefully begin filming hopefully within 2 days as long as weather permits, and I will also try to gather foley sounds to further attract the viewers and make them feel as though they are part of the film. After filming I will be editing, and I love to edit anything and hopefully, I will be using Adobe Premiere CS6, which is great editing software that I use often in my television production class. I hope to be done editing and done completely done with the film opening, by April 1. I will soon go fully in depth as to what the full story will be within a few days.

"The Terminal" Poster: The Terminal Score. (n.d.). Retrieved February 24, 2019, from

"The Sandlot" Poster: Schedeen, J. (2018, March 21). 14 Things You Never Knew About 'The Sandlot'. Retrieved February 24, 2019, from

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